Samantha’s Bio
Samantha has been a student at Noorthoek Academy for 6 years. She appreciates that she gets to learn new information every semester. Samantha enjoys coloring, reading, and listening to Josh Groban. Her favorite foods are tacos and bratwurst. Samantha has a cat named Bella and a dog named Rosie. She is proud of her volunteer work and has a goal to live independently. Sam has an incredible memory and has been called a “walking GPS.”
Samantha’s Poetry
Snikers is a good cat.
She hides her toys
so we can find them.
Snikers loves to be held
and to snuggle.
She is so much fun.
I love her a lot.
She is my responsibility.
My Life is Beautiful
My life is beautiful because
I go to camp
and do a lot of fun stuff.
My life is beautiful because
I have Grandma and Grandpa
in my life.
My life is beautiful because
I have learned a lot at
Life Learning Center.
Rosie is beautiful.
She has soft fur and
is lovable.
She loves to snuggle.
She just goes with the flow
all the time.
Rosie is a dog.
Rosie and Bella
Rosie and Bella are friends.
Rosie likes her bed.
Bella likes to look out the window.
Rosie is a dog.
Bella is a cat.
I like to take Rosie for walks.
I like to pet Bella’s soft fur.
Rosie is the nicest dog….
Bella isn’t nice sometimes.
Rosie and Bella sleep with my mom.
I just love them so much!