Donor Recognition
Noorthoek Academy has provided learning opportunities to adults with learning challenges for over three decades. Noorthoek is a non-profit organization that relies completely on the generosity of individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and foundations.
We rely on YOU! Donations range from $10.00 to $30,000--every dollar makes a difference in the lives of our students.
We have been so fortunate to stay strong and true to our mission for so many years!
For information regarding matching gifts through your company please contact our Executive Director at
- The Wege Foundation
- The Sebastian Foundation
- The Peter C. & Emajean Cook Foundation
- The Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
- Mary Bacon
- Marcia Boot
- Chappell / Pommer Family
- City Wide Real Estate Services
- The Cole Family Foundation
- Dane and Jan Ver Merris
- Frames Unlimited
- Kiwanis Grand Rapids North
- Lake Michigan Credit Union
- Cyril and Sharon Moore Trust
- Michael and Emily Schipper
- Applied Innovations
- Mary Jane Dice Trust
- James and Megan Doss
- Jeffrey and Sheila Frank
- Loren and Marsha Katerberg
- Eileen Kaufman
- Knights of Columbus Council 8291
- Deloris Leppink
- Meijer
- William and Cindy Zimdar
- Beyond 26
- Mike and Laura Boot
- Boot Haan Insurance Agency
- Chick-Fil-A of Walker
- Richard and Gay Cole
- Ned and Elizabeth Crouch
- Culvers
- Hungerford Nichols
- Inclusive Futures
- Marketing Tools
- Victoria Smalley
- Social Incites
- Midge and David VandeKopple
- Jim and Alice VandeLune
- Brett and Lyn VanTol
- Robert Wright
- Zimdar Properties
- Pamela Alderman
- Rhonda Anderson
- Anna's House
- Applebee's
- Fran Aubert
- Daniel and Joanna Bajema
- Dirk Bakhuyzen
- Tina Barnikow
- Beer City
- Beltline Bar
- Gerald Bierlein
- Chad Binger
- Blandford Nature Center
- Linda Blodgett
- Ronald & Barbara Bloom
- Barbara Bol
- Nancy Bolhouse
- Rhonda Boller
- Christopher Boot
- Nancy and Tim Bosma
- David and Carol Boulter
- Tommy Branns
- Linda Brazda
- Denise Bremmer
- Ellen Bruinsma
- Brush Studios
- Mary Brzozowski
- Joan Budnick
- David Bulkowski
- Cynthia Burch
- Diane Butler
- Chad Campanelli
- Dawn Carbines
- Renae Carpenter
- Karen Carpenter
- Paula Carpenter
- Peter Chadwick
- George and Elizabeth Chalmers
- Lou Chappell
- Cheesecake Factory
- John Cole
- Kelli Coulson
- Allie Cowden
- Dave & Busters
- Liz Deppe
- Design One
- DeVries
- Tim and Lisa Doyle
- Gretchen Dubes
- Bill and Marie Dukes
- Jacqueline Dusendang
- Frank Dusendang
- Sue Dykstra
- John Eitniear
- Sheryl and Joe Elliott
- Tina Emert
- Ellen and Thomas Fitzgerald
- Jill Fouch-Chapple
- Delilah Fowler
- Kathleen Freel
- Fresh Thyme
- Hadlee Garrison
- Ann Geenen
- The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
- Mary Geskus
- Gold Basketball
- Larry Goodlander
- GR Public Museum
- GRCC Bookstore
- Kevin Green
- Mary Gregg
- Boyd and Joyce Halstead
- Marin Hann
- Margaret Haviland
- Jamie Hebebrand
- Naomi Hein
- Jonathan Helder
- John Higgs
- Laurel Hoekman
- Tom Hoeksema Sr.
- Tanis Hooker
- David and Leslie Hooker
- Pamela Howard
- Humane Society
- Sharon Ippel
- Paul and Trudi Ippel
- Charles Ippel
- Kyle Irwin
- Geri and Doyle James
- Kelsi Jones
- Richard and Carol Jones
- Susan Judd
- K&J Catering
- Jean Kammeraad
- Breanna Kelley
- Kentwood Rec Center
- Diane Kibiloski
- Kilwin's
- Lisa Kimball
- Diane Kirvan
- Autumn Knudsen
- Koeze
- James and Claudia Koslosky
- Steven Koster
- Douglas Kriscunas
- Dena Kuehl
- Thomas and Rita Laberteaux
- Virginia LaGrand
- Mary Laskowski
- Kim & Thomas Laskowski
- John and Jacquelyne Leppink
- Dan & Laurie Leppink Lisuk
- Terry Leshuk
- Jeremy Leski
- Jill Lewis
- Jeff Light
- Cathy Ling
- Bruce Ling
- Griffins
- Longhorn Steakhouse
- Macatawa Bank
- Peter Malek
- Betty Malmyga
- Barbara Mania
- Linda & Richard Mansfield
- Shirley and Dan Manullang
- Marge's Donuts
- Elinor Marod
- Tami Maskell
- Ashton Maurer-Wagner
- Margo Maurer
- Amy Maurer
- Jon and Mary Ann McDonald
- Lori McMeeken
- Billie Meier
- Judith Mikesell-Gemmen
- Julie Miller
- Jacob Miller
- Eva Miller-Videtich
- Patricia Milroy
- Paul Mitchell
- Jonie Mitts
- Wendi Moore
- Cyril Moore
- Angela Morehouse
- Nanette Mosby
- Peggy Murphy
- Kevin Murray
- Sharon & Don Myers
- Rachelle Myers
- Pat Nederveld
- Gene Newburg
- John Nickels
- Roger Nietering
- Thomas Nykamp
- Sally Odonnell
- Ronald Oele
- Olive Garden
- On The Border
- Gregory Osmun
- Amy Ostrow
- Donald & Judy Otten
- Panera
- Steven & Molly Parker
- Jonathan Parlow
- Rebecca Pellerito
- John & Pamela Perras
- Deanne & Ronald Perry
- Heidi Petersen
- Angie Phillips
- Donna Pizzo
- Bethanie Pollock
- Renee Rapp
- Rebecca Reed
- Dawn Reed
- Susan Roentz
- Eugene Russell
- Debra Sacheck
- Judy Saunders
- Bethany Schiff
- Schulers
- Schulers
- Tom & Diane Siebrasse
- Douglas and Eileen Simmons
- Sky Zone
- Anne Marie & Frank Smith
- Cynthia J Smith
- Arnie Smithalexander
- Hope Staal
- Jan Stack
- Starbucks
- Star Shooters
- Mary Steenstra
- D. James & G.J. Stewart
- Terrill & Dorane Strouse
- Diane Strouse
- Patricia Surman
- April Swanson
- Donald Swanson
- Robert and Janice Swanson
- Angela Taylor
- Leah Thomas
- Tim Thompson
- Kathryn Thwaites
- Liz Timmer
- Rosemary Anne Toole
- Patricia Toth
- Mary Ellen & James Townsley
- Trader Joe's
- Vicki Travis
- Colleen Trayser
- Patti Trepkowski
- Ucellos Beltline
- Ucellos Downtown
- Melissa Utter
- Andrew Vaalburg
- Dave VandeKopple
- James & Alice Vandelune
- Marlene Vandenbos
- Derjke Vanderleest
- Janis VanderWal
- Judy VanderWal
- Erika VanDyke
- Amanda VanFossen
- Mary VanKuiken
- Jan VanMerris
- Don VanOeveren
- Cornie & Trudi VanTol
- Kylee VanTol
- Adelyn VanTol-Wooden
- Michael Wagner
- Kaitlyn Weesies
- Kristi Welling
- Karl Westerhof
- Kim Williams
- Frank J Williams
- Wendy & Jeff Wilterink
- Cindi Winowiecki
- David and Barbara Wolven
- David Wolven
- Wendy Wooden
- Shawn Wright
- Julie Wright
- Gregory Yoder
- Denise Zalsman
- Clifford Zalsman
- Audrey Zapata
- Stacy Zbikowski
- Kyle & Gloriana Zimdar
- Adam Zimdar
- Robin Zylstra
Friends of Noorthoek Committee
The Friends of Noorthoek Committee is our amazing volunteer group who express our mission through their wise advice, endless energy, and take-it-to-the-streets (or online) participation. They support and inspire our students, leadership, and staff. If you want to learn more, email Lyn at
Committee Members include:
Sandy Barraza
Dawn Carbines
Lu Chappell
Pam Davies-Stark
Kaitlin Doyle
Cathy Ling
MaryAnn McDonald
Alison Moore
Judy Otten
Eileen Simmons
Lyn VanTol
Cindi Winowiecki
Cindy Zimdar