Donor Recognition
Noorthoek Academy has provided learning opportunities to adults with learning challenges for over three decades. Noorthoek is a non-profit organization that relies completely on the generosity of individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and foundations.
We rely on YOU! Donations range from $10.00 to $30,000--every dollar makes a difference in the lives of our students.
We have been so fortunate to stay strong and true to our mission for so many years!
For information regarding matching gifts through your company please contact our Executive Director at
- The Wege Foundation
- The Sebastian Foundation
- The Peter C. & Emajean Cook Foundation
- The Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
- Marcia Boot
- Chappell / Pommer Family
- City Wide Real Estate Services
- The Cole Family Foundation
- Dane and Jan Ver Merris
- Frames Unlimited
- Eileen Kaufman
- Kiwanis Grand Rapids North
- Lake Michigan Credit Union
- Cyril and Sharon Moore Trust
- Applied Innovations
- Mary Bacon
- Mary Jane Dice Trust
- James and Megan Doss
- Jeffrey and Sheila Frank
- Loren and Marsha Katerberg
- Knights of Columbus Council 8291
- Knights of Columbus Council 13499
- Deloris Leppink
- Pinnacle Wealth Advisors
- Michael and Emily Schipper
- William and Cindy Zimdar
- Beyond 26
- Chick-Fil-A of Walker
- Richard and Gay Cole
- Culvers
- Hungerford Nichols
- Marketing Tools
- Pinnacle Wealth Advisors
- Victoria Smalley
- Midge and David VandeKopple
- Jim and Alice VandeLune
- Brett and Lyn VanTol
- Williams Kitchen and Bath
- Robert Wright
- Zimdar Properties
- Vincent Aldridge
- Scherry Aldridge
- Percy Aldridge
- Cathy Aldridge
- Anna's House
- Applebee's
- Arts in Motion
- Dirk and Phyllis Bakhuyzen
- Gladys Beal
- Beer City
- Gerald Bierlein
- Blandford Nature Center
- Linda Blodgett
- Mike and Laura Boot
- Katie Borowiak
- Nancy and Timothy Bosma
- David and Carol Boulter
- Bregman Brothers
- Bruce Brown
- Ellen Bruinsma
- Stan and Mary Brzozowski
- Jill Buchholz
- Dawn Carbines
- Matt Carpenter
- Karen Carpenter
- Paula Carpenter
- Katherine Caudill
- Cheesecake Factory
- Binnie Chrysler
- City BBQ
- Lisa Climie
- Kelli Coulson
- Darlene and Dale Cutter
- Dave & Busters
- Heather DenHouter
- Liz Deppe
- Marie Dukes
- Susan Dykstra
- John Eitniear
- Sheryl and Joe Elliott
- Ellen and Thomas Fitzgerald
- Mary Flikkema
- David Fowler
- Fresh Thyme
- Bev Frueh
- Randy and Diane Fryberg
- Heather Garretson
- Ann Geenen
- The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum
- Mary Geskus
- GR Ballet
- GR Civic Theatre
- Mary Greene
- GR Public Museum
- Shanta Harris
- Jamie Hebebrand
- Jo Heemstra
- Naomi Hein
- Rebecca Heindrichs
- Jonathan Helder
- Lisa Henry
- John Higgs
- Jeanie Hitchcock
- Thomas Hoeksema
- Susan Hood
- Humane Society
- Linda Idsinga
- Paul and Trudi Ippel
- Charles Ippel
- Pastor Jedidiah
- Jim and Alyce Vande Lune
- Kelsi Jones
- Richard and Carol Jones
- Susan Judd
- K&J Catering
- Kentwood Rec Center
- Kenzie's Be Cafe
- Kessler's
- Diane Kibiloski
- Kilwin's
- Lisa Kimball
- Sherry Klopfer
- Debbie Knapp
- Koeze
- Eileen Kooreman
- James and Claudia Koslosky
- Steven Koster
- Douglas Kriscunas
- Dena Kuehl
- Thomas and Rita Laberteaux
- Virginia LaGrand
- John and Jacquelyne Leppink
- Betty Lewkowski
- Camille and Terry Lieffers
- Bruce Ling
- Cathy Ling
- Griffins
- Mary Loupee
- Macatawa Bank
- Peter Malek
- Betty Malmyga
- Richard Malmyga
- DJ Manullang
- Margo Maurer
- Amy Maurer
- Ashton Maurer-Wagner
- Jon and Mary Ann McDonald
- Stephanie Milanowski
- Patricia Milroy
- Maggie and Roger Moerdyke
- Holly Momber
- Shannon Mulder
- Kevin Murray
- Patricia and Gary Nederveld
- Sandra Nieuwenhuis
- Kim Norman
- Ron Oele
- Olive Garden
- On The Border
- Palmerleau Rentals
- Panera
- Becky and John Patrick
- Dee Piccard
- Christina Pigorsh
- Joan Pool
- Tony and Teresa Quarto
- Lester & Carol Quillin
- Deborah Redhouse
- Kathie Redman
- Dawn Reed
- Susan Roentz
- Marilee Roukema
- Travis Rouwhorst
- Bethany Schiff
- Patricia Schnably
- Schulers
- Laurie Shanahan
- Louis Sifika
- Douglas and Eileen Simmons
- Diane Simpson
- Cynthia J Smith
- Else Sorensen
- Samuel Sorenson
- Carol Sorenson
- Traci Soule
- Spartan Nash
- Star Shooters
- Mary Steenstra
- D. James & G.J. Stewart
- Dorane and Terri Strouse
- Diane Strouse
- Jerry Swanson
- Donald Swanson
- Robert and Janice Swanson
- April Swanson
- Stephen and Allory Taylor
- Jessica Taylor
- Texas Roadhouse
- Kathryn Thwaites
- Alisa Tigchelaar
- Rosemary Anne Toole
- Trader Joe's
- Vicki Travis
- Susan Travis
- Marlene VandenBos
- Margie VanderMolen
- Judy VanderWal
- Mary VandeWater
- Cassi VandeWater
- Brian and Mary VandeWater
- Erika and Josh VanDyke
- Michael VanHouten
- Don VanOeveren
- Adelyn VanTol-Wooden
- Kylee VanTol
- Cornelius and Trudi VanTol
- Scott VanTuinen
- John VanWyk
- Vitale's
- Michael Wagner
- Kristi Welling
- Karl Westerhof
- Whitecaps
- Betty and RT Williams
- Cindi Winowiecki
- Jean Wisneski
- John and Jojo Wojciakowski
- Pam Wolven
- David and Barbara Wolven
- David Wolven
- Mike Wolven
- Wendy Wooden
- Louis Woods
- Gregory Yoder
- Kay Yoder
- Andrew and Maria Young
- Audrey and Rudolph Zapata
- Kyle and Gloriana Zimdar
- Adam Zimdar
- Travis and Carrie Zimdar
Friends of Noorthoek Committee
The Friends of Noorthoek Committee is our amazing volunteer group who express our mission through their wise advice, endless energy, and take-it-to-the-streets (or online) participation. They support and inspire our students, leadership, and staff. If you want to learn more, email Lyn at
Committee Members include:
Sandy Barraza
Dawn Carbines
Lu Chappell
Pam Davies-Stark
Kaitlin Doyle
Betty Lewkowski
Cathy Ling
MaryAnn McDonald
Alison Moore
Judy Otten
Eileen Simmons
Lyn VanTol
Cindi Winowiecki
Cindy Zimdar