Kylee’s Bio
Kylee just celebrated 10 years as a Noorthoek Academy student. She enjoys praising God, eating cheeseburgers, cheering on the University of Michigan, and doing research. She is an actress who has appeared in several Penguin Project productions. Kylee loves spending time with her extended family, including her sister, Nana, and nephew.
Kylee’s Poetry
New Hope
Years ago,
it felt like my talents and skills
were hidden.
Noorthoek changed my life!
I became more comfortable just
being me.
My faith gets me through
many hard things.
Now, I believe that my purpose
is to teach others
about hope.
My Dream
I want to be an actress.
Not for the spotlight,
or attention from people,
although they’re very nice.
I love to make people smile,
add a little laughter to their day.
It’s my hunger to glorify God.
Thank You for Your Service
Dear Papa,
Thank you for your hard work
serving this wonderful country
where we call home for now.
Even though you went
to your REAL home in Heaven,
I promise your life will not be forgotten.
I am leaping for joy
knowing that one special day
we will be together!
USA Living
Freedom to worship.
Freedom to be safe.
Freedom of speech.
Freedom to vote.
Clean waters,
national parks.
Our country,
of the people,
by the people,
for the people.
Pandemic worthy
Always comfortable
Jam session
Morning to midnight
Always available
Super Duper Cozy Snuggly Sleepmaker
A Smile Warms the Soul
Smiley Kylee is what I’m often called.
People smile, others sometimes applaud.
The great thing about a smile,
it never goes out of style.
A smile is kind and it warms the soul,
makes you feel completely whole.
I can hear a giggle behind each one,
and know that person is having fun.
A smile will brighten everyone’s day.
So what do you say, let’s make a way
to smile with all we’re worth,
bringing joy to our entire earth!